The Death of the Author is online!

Death of the Author, the chose your own adventure murder mystery guide to modernist poetry I wrote, was previously only a book. Now it’s now available as an online game!

It’s currently lacking some of the beautiful text art of the printed version. But it’s still fun, contains all the novel poetical ways to die and can be played here…

Play Death of the Author online

I, for one, recommend it.

Poetry! Get Your Poetry Here!

I have a book. It is on sale this Saturday. Hooray!

It’ll be available at Free Verse: The Poetry Book Fair this Saturday. So if you can’t wait any longer to get this book you’ve been hearing so much about (?!) then come along. They’ll be so many other great people. I’ll be hovering around the Gug Press stall, where you’ll be able to pick up so much quality poetry you’ll need to buy a new bookshelf!



A bitter aftertaste of almonds


In the dark of the dwindling sunlight, the roar of cars and buzz of sodium street-lights long gone, the arcing bottle barely disturbed the quiet or the stillness. Then it broke. Some homemade spirit ignited from the cloth rag and the flames licked at the concrete wall. Then nothing.

Inside, the soft candlelight didn’t alter its flicker on account of what was happening outside. The marble tables stood fast. The piano played on. Continue reading

Bring it Back


Outside the noise of the crowd thundered, reverberating against the walls of the tiny capsule. It’s two occupants moved, what little they could, to try to see each other.

“Stevenson, how are you holding up?”

It was Captain Chang who spoke up first. See was the pilot, although that title suggested a degree of control that no one had quite worked out for the machine, and thought that obliged her to at least act like a leader.

“Quite well. I can’t move, which is a little uncomfortable, but I’m also strapped inside an experimental time machine, which sort of overshadows any discomfort.” Continue reading