The Message

Russian Space Geckos

In July 2014, a team of five geckos, one male and four female, left the planet for the first and last time. At first they weren’t anything special. Gerbils, newts and even butterflies were sent into space that year, some pioneers for their species, all parts of valuable experiments.

The animals usually mated or ate in zero gravity, their biological behaviour mirroring that of their experimenters, then returned to Earth, to no fanfare or media interest, for study. This was not the fate of the geckos. Continue reading

The Working Day

Grey squirrel

The rays of the sun were glinting, where possible, from the white border of the London Underground sign and bleaching the platform beneath with imperceptible slowness. They had the time to do their job and no amount of haste would change that, a lesson not held dear by the commuters gathered along the yellow line. Continue reading

Some are just born lucky

Scratch Card

I’m lucky now, but I haven’t always been,

It was Sam who got me in. H’s been lucky for as long as I’ve know him. When someone complained that no one ever wins on scratch cards and one of my friends piped up to say that they knew someone who’d won seven grand this one time, they were always talking about Sam. Continue reading