

The camera focused on the patchwork of dark, wine-coloured wounds that littered the man’s chest. The viewfinder stayed still a moment, not wanting to refocus on pull out, staying deathly still instead, watching the blood as it coagulated.

Maybe I should explain how we got here. Continue reading

What could have been

burned hotel room

Six years, I was in prison. That may not seem like long, especially not for what I’ve done, but it’s long enough for me to feel old now I’m out.

I haven’t seen a film in years, I don’t know who’s in the charts or how people dress. Life flows so fast these days that if you’re held out of the current, even for a short time, you won’t find your place in it again. Continue reading

The Gruesome Death of Dr Unwin

speak and spell

The case had started months before. In recent weeks any attempt to actually solve it had been little more than a lacklustre show for the various government offices with special interest in the investigation and the last remnants of an interested press.

It had begun, as nearly all murder inquiries do, with the discovery of a body. In this case it was that of Dr Charles Unwin, a former engineering professor turned inventor. Continue reading